It's time to ditch the wallflower BS and use your UNIQUE VOICE in your messaging to STAND OUT in your niche and become the GO-TO coach for your perfect BFF clients.

Welcome REBEL coach, to my merry band of renegades who create their own rules.

This is for you if:

✨ You’re a coach, healer, intuitive, or other magickal woman in business whose purpose is to help others through their own personal / business transformation.

✨ You prefer to do things on your own terms, you rebel, you! (i.e. you’ve realised that ‘tick-the-box’ and ‘do it my way, get my results’ strategies simply don’t align with your way of being in the world, let alone get you the results you want).

✨ Your business is an expression and extension of self and you need to lead with purpose and authenticity.

✨ You want to stop swimming in circles in the Sea of Same

Finally, embrace not fitting in - cos you were born to stand out!

Resonate with this?

✨ You already feel somewhat confident and competent at creating content but you feel it lacks depth in your messaging - i.e it’s not attracting, connecting, or landing with the right people.

✨ You suspect you’re not embodying the leadership self you need in order to secure perfect-fit clients.

✨ You feel held back in expressing what you really want to say, your authentic truth.

✨ You find it hard to let your authority shine in everything you do.

Let me ask you a question, why you?

Why should your soulmate clients work with you as opposed to someone else in your niche?

Tough one that, isn’t it? But it’s the most important question you need to be able to answer - I mean if YOU can’t express why you’re THE ONE for them - how can you articulate it so that your BFF clients know?

This concept is at the heart of where we begin and underpins our work throughout the 12-week Aligned AF Messaging Shindig.

We establish WHY doing what you do matters to you SO freakin much.

We establish WHY your BFF clients would choose you above another coach in your niche.

We establish what’s blocking you from showing up in all your wonderful beautiful authentic glory.

We shift the shit that’s holding you back & keeping you from expressing yourself fully.

THEN we need to weave this magick into your messaging so that your BFF soulmate perfect-fit clients simply KNOW you're THE ONE for them.

We then journey into Energetics - Aligned & Activated Attraction.

⚡️ Aligning with the value of the transformation you offer & activating yourself to create in a way that feels flowful and like a joyful compulsion not a boring or exhausting chore.

⚡️ Aligning with your perfect audience & activating your BFF client’s desire triggers in your messaging.

⚡️ Outcome energetics (expectation over entitlement)

Energetic alignment comes from creating conscious awareness - you can’t change what you’re not aware of - we commit to acknowledging our patterns of behaviour and trust that we can manage the discomfort when it happens - THEN we can take the aligned action.

Remember - YOU are the biggest asset in your business - YOU are the magick.

And of course, Embodiment.

This is where you begin to allow your future desires to take shape and manifest because they’re rooted in your subconscious.

⚡️ BEING her & anchoring in on THAT you.

⚡️ Intentionally YOU - clear your integrity conflicts & be fully you on purpose so you can truly be an expression of the transformation you offer.

⚡️ Unapologetic self-acceptance & self-trust, knowing you are intuitively making the RIGHT decisions for yourself & your business.

If your current driving desire is to create income rather than impact, I’d recommend checking out my FREE workshop Impact before Income here. If the workshop resonates and you now understand that income is a byproduct of impact - welcome to our weird and wonderful world.

By the end of the Aligned AF Messaging Shindig you’ll:

✨ Understand & be confident in articulating WHY YOU to your dreamboat clients.

✨ Feel deep self-trust in expressing yourself authentically (& no longer feel stifled by bog-standard strategy).

Attract the RIGHT clients into your universe by connecting with them on a soul level in your messaging.

And of course you’ll have a new awesome community of magickal women to lean on and support you throughout your journey - we make firm friends fast over here.

What’s in store?

⚡️ An ever-evolving & expanding training vault for you to access at your own pace

⚡️ Group content calls (coffee or cocktails optional!)

⚡️ Voxer support

⚡️ Copy & content audits

⚡️ Live Q&As

⚡️ Journal prompts & affirmations

⚡️ Guided visualisations / content channelling sessions

⚡️ Energy work sessions

⚡️ Impromptu tarot readings

⚡️ & more

If that’s te kia sh*t that butters your bagel, you’re gonna wanna join this membership experience.

I’ve created an intimate setting where you get to be who you are from day one. 

I’ve capped each intake so that I can get to know you as an individual and show up for each and every one of you in all my glory. 

Group calls are exclusive to each individual intake and our Voxer sessions are 1-1 so that I can provide a high-reciprocity experience for you.

Investment £2222

(payment plans available)

If you’re ready to create messaging that speaks from your soul to the souls of your BFF clients - answer a few quick Qs HERE and let’s see if the Aligned AF Messaging Shindig is right for you!