Understand how to get more 'FCK YES' DMs from perfect-fit clients this week - in just 2.5 hours.

Feel like you're the best kept secret?!

Because once your dreamboat clients work with you they’re blown away by your insights and expertise and they get results - not demonstrating this is costing you thousands in perfect-fit clients that are just scrolling on by because your message isn’t hitting them in the way that it should or could.

    Become a human beacon to those who are READY & WAITING to say a full body F*CK YES to your offers.

    Unlearning the old-hat sh*t that you’ve been taught ‘works’ from coaches who rose through the ranks before a truer discernment came about, is just a matter of awareness, & once you know, you know.

    But we all have blindspots (which is where I come in).

    On Tuesday 29th Oct, 

    I’m hosting an intimate interactive 2.5-hour workshop for wave-making coaches who are:

    Done pussy-footing around & trying to appeal to the masses.

    And are ready to:

    Call in your most awesome, premium clients yet. Those you LOVE to work with & with whom the BEST results are inevitable.

    I’ve analysed hundreds, if not thousands of pieces of content and I’m seeing the same mistakes play out. These commonly taught mistakes are what’s preventing most coaches from smashing through their current ceiling and calling in next-level, empowered, fck yes take-my-money clients - predictably.

    Fortunately, I’ll be showing you the exact tweaks you need to make to take your content from “I want to work with you in the future” to “FCK YES send me the payment link!”.  

    And it’s a one & done investment of just £111 - the concepts & pragmatic skills you’ll receive will be for life - yours to play with forever & use time & again. 

    This is the difference between a GOOD post and an ACTIVATING AF post. 

    Imagine effortlessly calling in those energetically aligned clients who are devoted to getting the results you offer. All whilst oozing integrity, authenticity, and sovereignty.

    Because when you craft messaging that resonates deeply with your perfect-fit clients you create demand.

    Here's how it's gonna go down

    What you’re NOT gonna get:

    • Generic ‘how-to’ advice or cliched concepts with no substance - think, “meet your clients where they’re at”.

    • Stifling long-winded formulaic structure intended to convince people of your value.

    • Underhanded unaligned tricks and tactics that poke at vulnerabilities, agitate pain points, and make your audience feel like sh*t.

    What you ARE gonna get:

    • Understand precisely where your perfect-fit client is on their journey and how to stand TF out, so you can position yourself as the only no-brainer choice.

    • Refine how you speak about the results you offer to act as a FCK YES catalyst to their deepest desires.

    • Own your authority and amplify your leadership energy to call in premium peers seeking the solutions only you offer.

    And as a result, you’ll have SO much clarity, you’ll feel liberated to express yourself effortlessly - compelling, converting content that writes itself.

    I’m bringing deep insights to the table for you to absorb and integrate - we don’t do boring ‘learn my blueprint, now go implement’ in my world. You’ll experience epiphanies, ahas, and there will be pennies dropping left, right, and centre.

    And you won’t give a witch’s tit about anyone else’s ‘secret content formula’ ever again.

    You just need to Have the AUDACITY to OWN your AUTHORITY.